Friday, June 25, 2010

First post so will be short

F€\k the French

12hrs waiting and kicked off 2 flight due to strikes in Paris. Now they have lost my bags as well.

Leave Sydney - Raining so happy
- Land Hong Kong not a bad flight

Hong Kong airport - at 1am is quiet
- they change the gate twice on us. Big airport and walked forever.
- land Paris 6am

Paris Airport - bumpy ride the entire way, no sleep at all
- 12hrs waiting for a flight as French on strike
- on and off 2 planes, still in airport
- yeh flight leaves 12 hrs late
- land in Venice

Venice Airport - OMG, no bags. Been traveling for way to long and now in another line to find my bags
- bags still in Paris not arriving till after weekend as French don't work weekends
- hope things get better :)

Pics at Sydney, Hong Kong, Paris, all airports so far sorry


James Ogilvie