Oceania F18 Championships
Expression of interest for competitors
To all,
With the increased profile of catamaran sailing worldwide we have had a proposal from OSAF to develop a inaugural Oceania F18 Championship event in 2012. Discussions with organising committee's and sponsors have already begun and Atutaki, Cook Islands has been flagged for the events first location.
Racing will be planned over 5 days, maximum 16 races following the same format as the International F18 World titles. The Australian F18 association is fully backing the introduction of this event and working to ensure an Oceania event can get off the ground.
We are calling for expressions of interest from competitors to gauge the interest at this time and ask that any parties wishing to take part and or provide sponsorship please contact James Ogilvie at james.ogilvie@performancepro.com.au or +61 400 701 878
Updates will be posted as we progress and we hope if continued interest is received we will be able to provide an exciting and high speed F18 sailing event in 2012.
Expression of interest for competitors
To all,
With the increased profile of catamaran sailing worldwide we have had a proposal from OSAF to develop a inaugural Oceania F18 Championship event in 2012. Discussions with organising committee's and sponsors have already begun and Atutaki, Cook Islands has been flagged for the events first location.
Racing will be planned over 5 days, maximum 16 races following the same format as the International F18 World titles. The Australian F18 association is fully backing the introduction of this event and working to ensure an Oceania event can get off the ground.
We are calling for expressions of interest from competitors to gauge the interest at this time and ask that any parties wishing to take part and or provide sponsorship please contact James Ogilvie at james.ogilvie@performancepro.com.au or +61 400 701 878
Updates will be posted as we progress and we hope if continued interest is received we will be able to provide an exciting and high speed F18 sailing event in 2012.