Tuesday, August 23, 2011

F18 Nationals 1-6 Sept

Hi F18 sailors


F18 Nationals at Magnetic Island Race Week are on 1-6 Sept. In Townsville today it is 26o and sunny with a fresh afternoon sea breeze. I know where I would rather be. So pack your boat and boardies and head north for some fun in the sun.


Entry Entries have to be lodged online by this Friday 26th August at the regatta website https://secure.tetra-australia.com/mirw/entry_form.cfm 


Event info  For all the details about race week go to the website http://www.magneticislandraceweek.com.au/index.cfm?eid=927  


Barge: Fantasea have come on board as the major sponsor of the F18 class at the regatta. They are providing free return transport to the island for your car and boat. Please call Fantasea direct to make your booking 07 4796 9300, you will need to register for the regatta first. Fantasea have a list of entered boats and you will need to mention you are an F18 competitor along with your boat name (as per your entry) to confirm your free transport. Due to the tides, please find below a list of barge times that we are able to book on. If anyone needs a hand or trailer storage whilst in Tvl (before or after the regatta) please let me know and I will be happy to assist.

TSV - Nelly Bay

Tue 30th Aug Wed 31st Aug Thurs 1st Sept

0520; 1235; 1805 0710; 1235; 1805 0710; 1440; 1625; 1805

Nelly Bay - TSV

Wed 7th September Thur 8th September Fri 9th September

0615; 0805; 0955; 0805; 0955; 1530 0955; 1530

I would also suggest you thank them for their sponsorship when you make your booking


Measurement will take place in the rigging area on the Thursday PM and Friday AM. Exact times will be sent ASAP. You will need to register at the regatta office first, then complete your F18 membership and then your boat can be checked.


Rigging At this event we will not be rigging on grass or sand. The rigging area is an asphalt car park and boat ramp. You will need foam pads to protect your hulls from damage.


F18 Association membership All competitors at the nations need to be financial members of the F18 association. To join or renew membership either go to our website http://www.ausf18.org.au/MEMBERSHIP/MEMBERSHIP.html and download the forms and pay by direct debit or just fill in the forms and pay at the event. We don't do credit cards.


Other news Congratulations to Steve Brewin who has just won the A Class worlds in Denmark for all the details go to http://catsailingnews.blogspot.com/ Young Jason Waterhouse teamed up with Brett Goodall to compete in the F16 Worlds in a Viper. They sailed brilliantly and finished 2nd behind Olympic silver medalist Darren Bundock. Well done boys! On Saturday September 24th the Sydney Flying Squadron are holding a race for 18 foot cats and skiffs to find the fastest vessel on Sydney Harbour. Carlton Brewery are donating a $6000 cash prize! Some of the skiff sailors are under the delusion that they have a chance of winning the prize against the cats. Put this date in your calendar. Details will follow.


See you at Magnetic Island

Leanne Gould

